
by Alice Diercxsens

Ready to Run
668€ raised

Chaque jour, malheureusement, trop d'enfants luttent contre le cancer – un combat absolument injuste, car un enfant devrait jouer, rire, se faire des amis, etc.

Saviez-vous que … chaque cancer pédiatrique est une maladie rare ? Il existe environ 16 types de cancers pédiatriques; chacun d’entre eux se divise en plusieurs sous-catégories. Au total, cela constitue environ 60 formes différentes de cancer et chacune d’entre elles requiert une attention scientifique spécifique.

En réalité, la grande majorité de l'argent et des efforts sont investis dans la recherche de thérapies anticancéreuses pour lesquelles il existe une large population de patients (et qui sont donc plus rentables). Par conséquent, l’innovation stagne pour les enfants, ainsi que le taux de guérison. Depuis 2007, plus de 150 nouvelles molécules contre le cancer ont été autorisées pour les adultes. Sur la même période, seulement 9 l’ont été pour des cancers pédiatriques. Tout cela alors que les traitements actuels contre le cancer pédiatriques sont souvent fort toxiques et entrainent de graves effets secondaires à long terme (perte cognitive, cécité et surdité, amputation, défaillance d'organe, problèmes cardiaque, cancers secondaires à la suite du traitement du premier cancer, etc.)

C’est clair, les enfants atteints de cancer et leurs jeunes familles ont désespérément besoin de notre aide ! Ensemble, nous voulons soutenir KickCancer pour financer la recherche de traitements innovatifs pour les enfants atteints de cancer, afin de “kick cancer in the butt” !

Pauline, Christophe, Alice (5) & Oscar (2)


Elke dag strijden helaas te veel kinderen tegen kanker – een oneerlijke en ongenadige strijd. En dat terwijl kinderen eigenlijk zouden moeten spelen, lachen, vriendjes maken, etc.

Wist je dat … elke kinderkanker een zeldzame ziekte is? Dat komt omdat er ongeveer 16 types kinderkanker zijn. Elk type is onderverdeeld in verschillende subgroepen – in totaal gaat het om 60 verschillende pediatrische aandoeningen, die elk specifieke wetenschappelijke studies vereisen.

De harde realiteit is dat er meer geld en moeite wordt gestopt in onderzoek naar kankertherapieën waarvoor de patiëntenpopulatie groter is (en dus winstgevender), en bijgevolg innovatie uitblijft voor kinderen en hun overlevingskansen stagneren. Sinds 2007 zijn er meer dan 150 medicijnen tegen kanker bij volwassenen goedgekeurd. In dezelfde periode zijn er slechts 9 goedgekeurd voor kinderkankers. En dat terwijl huidige kankerbehandelingen voor kinderen zeer toxisch zijn en zij die het overleven vaak kampen met ernstige bijwerkingen op lange termijn (cognitieve verliezen, blind- en doofheid, amputatie, orgaanfalen, hartziekten, secundaire kanker ten gevolge van de behandeling van de initiële kanker, etc.)

Kankerpatiëntjes en hun jonge families hebben onze hulp dus hard nodig ! Samen willen wij KickCancer steunen om onderzoek naar nieuwe of verbeterde behandelingen voor kankerpatiëntjes te financieren – and to “kick cancer in the butt” !

Pauline, Christophe, Alice (5) & Oscar (2)


Every day, sadly, too many children battle cancer – an unfair and merciless battle. Children should be playing, laughing, making new friends, etc.

Did you know that … every kid cancer is a rare disease ? That's because there are about 16 types of pediatric cancers; each divided into several sub-groups. In total, this adds up to about 60 different pediatric malignancies and each of them requires specific scientific attention.

The harsh reality is that more money and effort is being put into research for anti-cancer drugs for which the patient population is larger (and therefore more profitable). Consequently, innovation is lagging for young cancer patients and survival rate is stagnating. Since 2007, 150 new anti-cancer drugs were approved for adult malignancies. Over the same lapse of time, only 9 anti-cancer drugs were approved for pediatric malignancies. Current anti-cancer therapies are also very toxic for kids and can leave survivors with serious long-term side effects (cognitive loss, blindness and deafness, amputation, organ failure, heart disease, secondary cancer caused by the treatment of the initial cancer, etc.)

Cancer patients and their young families desperately need our help ! Together we want to support KickCancer to fund research into innovative or improved treatments for children battling cancer – and to “kick cancer in the butt” !

Pauline, Christophe, Alice (5) & Oscar (2)

— Alice

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.

FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).

Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).

There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?

Donations (51)

51 magic donors are supporting "Alice"
50 €
Michael has given 200 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Céline has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Jérôme has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago

Bravo les Diercxsens! Dikke kus

1.25 €
Coline has given 5 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Anonymous has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
11.25 €
Julie has given 45 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Laetitia has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Thibaut has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
12.5 €
Tanguy has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  5 months ago
10 €
Aurian has given 40 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago

Let’s kick cancer ! Love

12.5 €
Chantal has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago
12.5 €
Jugnon Insure BV has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago
6.25 €
Charlotte has given 25 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago

Veel succes 🤞!

10 €
An has given 40 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago

Heel veel succes aan de flinke lopertjes 💪🏻 We hopen dat alles goed gaat met jullie! Vele groetjes en dikke knuffels, An Rindert Oliver Archie

12.5 €
Julie has given 50 € to Les Diercxsens RUN TO KICK  —  6 months ago