Keyrus 20km of Brussels 2025

Keyrus 20km of Brussels 2025
100€ raised
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  100% safe

On May 25th, a group of colleagues working at Keyrus will take the challenge to run the 20km of Brussels. As we believe our success is not only measured by the work we do at clients and our achievements, we would like to take this opportunity to support a cause important to us: helping children who are fighting cancer.

Childhood cancer affects thousands of families every year, and the battle is never easy. While advancements in research have been made, the fight is far from over. Many children and their families continue to face unimaginable challenges, both emotionally and financially.

Thank you to everyone who will help support these impacted families through participating to this fund raising, allowing to contribute to this cause in the event initiative.
Op 25 mei zal een groep collega's van Keyrus de uitdaging aangaan om de 20 km van Brussel te lopen.
Omdat we geloven dat ons succes niet alleen wordt gemeten door het werk dat we voor onze klanten doen, willen we van deze gelegenheid gebruik maken om een zaak te steunen die ons na aan het hart ligt: kinderen die vechten tegen kanker.
Kanker bij kinderen treft jaarlijks duizenden gezinnen, en de strijd is nooit gemakkelijk.
Ondanks de vooruitgang in onderzoek, is er nog een lange weg te gaan.
Veel kinderen en hun families blijven onvoorstelbare uitdagingen tegenkomen, zowel emotioneel als financieel.
We bedanken iedereen die deze gezinnen helpt door deel te nemen aan onze fondsenwervingsactie tijdens het evenement. Samen kunnen we een verschil maken.
Le 25 mai, un groupe de collègues travaillant chez Keyrus relèvera le défi de courir les 20 km de Bruxelles.
Comme nous croyons que notre succès ne se mesure pas seulement par le travail que nous faisons pour nos clients, nous aimerions saisir cette occasion pour soutenir une cause qui nous tient à cœur : aider les enfants qui luttent contre le cancer.
Le cancer pédiatrique touche des milliers de familles chaque année, et leur bataille n'est jamais facile.
Bien que des avancées dans la recherche aient été réalisées, la lutte est loin d'être terminée.
De nombreux enfants et leurs familles continuent de faire face à des défis inimaginables, tant sur le plan émotionnel que financier.
Merci à tous ceux qui nous aideront à soutenir ces familles touchées en participant à cette collecte de fonds dans le cadre de cet évènement.

— Keyrus 20km of Brussels 2025

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!

We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Your gift will finance either a research project selected by KickCancer in compliance with strict appraisal rules or our advocacy and awareness activities which aim at sustainably fixing the system, so that paediatric cancer no longer be left behind the innovation train.

Our research projects are innovative and European. They are selected in the framework of the FIGH KIDS CANCER European call for projects, about which you will find more information here.

Our advocacy and awareness activities are equally important. They aim at ensuring that pharmaceutical companies be mandated or incentivised to finance more research against paediatric cancers, that governments finance more research infrastructure and that other NGOs involved in the field of cancer take their part in the fight against paediatric cancers.

Donation (1)

donation to "Keyrus 20km of Brussels 2025"
100 €
Anonymous  —  6 hours ago

Good luck for the training and race to all of you !