Let's go

by Didou Didou

Ready to Run
Let's go
211€ raised

A seguir em portugues...

Je m'appelle didou. Je suis le doudou d'une magnifique petite fille. Pendant 2 ans je l'ai accompagné 24/24 lors de son traitement chimio. Ce traitement s'appelle "alltogether" et grâce aux recherches scientifiques il est de moins en moins invasif.
Actuellement je passe la majorité de mon temps dans son sac à dos à l'attendre finir l'école. Je vieilli, cependant j'ai encore la force pour une petite marche... oui oui toujours dans les bras de ma petite championne qui se révèle si altruiste.

Alors soutenez nous avec vos dons pour nous aider à faire avancer les recherches afin d'améliorer tous ces traitements. Un grand merci du coeur.

Ola chamo-me didou. Sou o doudou de uma menina linda. Durante 2 anos acompanhei-a 24h/24h no seu tratamento quimio. Esse tratamento chama-se "alltogether" (europa)e graças aos estudos cientificos tournou-se cada vez menos invasivo.
Actualmente eu passo grande parte do meu tempo na sua mochila à espera que ela saia da escola. Ja estou a ficar velhinho, mas ainda tenho força para uma caminhada, ah pois é! Claro que sempre nos braços da minha guerreira ja tao altruista.

Por isso apoiem-nos por favor! As vossas doacões são preciosas. E vao permitir esses estudos avançar e encontrar tratamentos mais eficazes contra esta doença mazona. Obrigada do fundo do coração.

— Didou

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.

FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).

Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).

There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?

Donations (13)

13 magic donors are supporting "Let's go"
6 €
Maya has given 30 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  5 months ago

Bravo à tous! Xx

10 €
Anonymous has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  5 months ago
10 €
Itxaso has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  5 months ago
4 €
Fdpl srl has given 20 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago
10 €
Mélissa has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago
10 €
Alysande  —  6 months ago

Love u Suuzzzzz

1 €
Anonymous has given 5 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago
10 €
Isabelle has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago

Top engagement. Et bonne course.

50 €
Thomas  —  6 months ago
30 €
Ana  —  6 months ago
10 €
Benjamin has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago
10 €
Maximilien has given 50 € to Born to kick compagnie!  —  6 months ago
50 €
Thomas  —  6 months ago