Mathieu (& Rux & Ella) - for Mia & Camille & Rosalie

by Mathieu Cornet

Ready to Run
Mathieu (& Rux & Ella) - for Mia & Camille & Rosalie
4 628€ raised

Du haut de ses 2 ans et demi, Mia a vu la leucémie s'inviter dans sa vie le 22/02/2024. Depuis, elle combat ce cancer avec une énergie et une détermination qui nous impressionnent chaque jour un peu plus. Ruxandra, Ella et moi-même souhaitions donc nous mobiliser et VOUS mobiliser pour kicker une bonne fois le cancer des enfants en finançant davantage la recherche spécifique sur les cancers pédiatriques, encore trop à la traine. D'avance un grand merci pour elle et tous les enfants atteints du cancer!
Mia, Ella, Ruxandra et Mathieu

As some of you know, our 2-y old daughter Mia was diagnosed end February with leukaemia. To her and to all of us, it was a hard kick 🥊 in the face, as 2-y is much too young to have to face cancer 🦀. The very same happened to Camille, Mia’s hospital roommate, also 2-y old.

But Mia and Camille bravely climbed on the ring and took up the fight against that cancer 🦀 animal, with the great care of the HUDERF pediatric oncology team and the support of our families, friends and colleagues.

NOW HAS COME THE TIME TO KICK BACK🥊 and that is what all of you 🫵 can help achieve!

But, wait a sec⏳, aren’t pediatric cancers very well treated today? Well, there are (sadly) about 35 000 new pediatric cancer cases each year in Europe, spread over 16 cancer types. When you compare that to the (equally sad) 3 700 000 total yearly cancer cases diagnosed in Europe, you understand that each pediatric cancer is in fact a rare pathology, therefore unlikely to attract much medical research 🔬😕 by default.

What can we do about it? Well KickCancer is an NGO precisely focused on supporting research for pediatric cancer breakthroughs.

On Sep 29th in Brussels, i will line up alongside 2000+ participants and run 🏃‍♂️ 10 km to help kick kids cancer back in the Run To Kick event.

Do you want to help make each of my 10 000 steps🦶that day more impactful 🎯 💪?
Well, YOU CAN by sponsoring me and team Run For Mia & Camille with a donation for a good cause!

Thank you for your support, so that all kids that will have to take up cancer 🦀 in the future can do it with perfected treatments 💊 🎯 🥊!

— Mathieu

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.

FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).

Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).

There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?

Donations (172)

172 magic donors are supporting "Mathieu (& Rux & Ella) - for Mia & Camille & Rosalie"
6.46 €
Anonymous has given 200 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
0.65 €
jeroen has given 20 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago

Good luck! 🏃‍♂️💪

50 €
Ann  —  5 months ago
1.3 €
Caroline has given 40 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago

A fond les ballons pour Mia

1.62 €
Patrick has given 50 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
1.62 €
Sylvie has given 50 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
100 €
Juan  —  5 months ago
30 €
Bérengère  —  5 months ago
3.23 €
Andrei has given 100 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
50 €
Inge  —  5 months ago
3.23 €
Christophe has given 100 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago

Go run & kick ... every step of the way, every breath you take, every drop of sweat is so much worth it ;)

1.62 €
Lucie has given 50 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
1.62 €
Ineke has given 50 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago

Dit is een mooi initiatief en blij dat we ook op deze manier iets kunnen betekenen. Heel veel moed, voor jullie meisjes en voor jullie als gezin...

1.62 €
Rita has given 50 € to Run for Mia & Camille & Rosalie  —  5 months ago
100 €
Veronique  —  5 months ago