2 044 377 € raised

Why does your support matter so much?

Every kid cancer is a rare disease.
There are about 16 main types of paediatric cancers (leukaemia, brain and spinal cord tumours, neuroblastoma, lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma…). Each of those is divided into several sub-groups. In total, it adds up to about 60 different paediatric malignancies. Each of them requires a specific scientific attention.

Kato voor team Warre

Kato voor team Warre

Raised 1 955 €
Cy- tous avec Mia!

Cy- tous avec Mia!

Raised 1 953 €
Maarten papa van Axelle De Ridder

Maarten papa van Axelle De Ridder

Raised 1 953 €
⭐️ Maman Luca 💛

⭐️ Maman Luca 💛

Raised 1 945 €
Team Capurso voor Axelles regenboogteam

Team Capurso voor Axelles regenboogte...

Raised 1 936 €
Mathieu Dangotte

Mathieu Dangotte

Raised 1 935 €
Diego Potvin

Diego Potvin

Raised 1 914 €
KickCancer Maccabim

KickCancer Maccabim

Raised 1 901 €
Herbert voor Team Warre

Herbert voor Team Warre

Raised 1 900 €
Phil running for kids

Phil running for kids

Raised 1 896 €
Luna voor team Warre

Luna voor team Warre

Raised 1 894 €
Jérôme 💙

Jérôme 💙

Raised 1 893 €
Harry 💛

Harry 💛

Raised 1 892 €
Ines Pintaluba

Ines Pintaluba

Raised 1 889 €
François & Virginie

François & Virginie

Raised 1 873 €


Raised 1 872 €

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